Monday, October 26, 2009

AEGAN - குப்பை தொட்டில போடு

Compared to the devilishly bad Aegan, its Bollywood inspiration Main Hoon Na is an Oscar-worthy masterpiece and a lofty work of art.

Compared to Ajith’s Ultimate Korangu like antics in Aegan, Shahrukh Khan is a Marlon Brando.
And compared to Aegan’s mis-director Raju Sundaram, Farah Khan is Kazan + Hitchcock + Spielberg + Coppola + Scorsese.

The principal villains of Aegan are a hopelessly disjointed story, pathetic performances by Ajith, Nayantara etc all compounded by inept direction by Raju Sundaram, who is also the writer of this piece of junk.

The Aegan story hews broadly to the Main Hoon Na theme albeit with some differences.
In Aegan, a young police officer (Ajith Kumar) goes undercover as a college student to nab an approver Ram Prasad, who’s on the run after escaping an attack on the police convoy while he was en route to the court to testify against notorious criminal Chinappa (Suman). You see, the thinking is that Ram Prasad will come to the college to meet his daughter Pooja (Piaa Bajpai) and can be nabbed there. Elementary, my dear Watson.

Like Shahrukh Khan in Main Hoon Na, Ajith too falls for his college teacher (the horrendously bad Kerala actress Nayantara in this instance).

Unlike Main Hoon Na, there are so many disjointed elements in the Aegan story that together impart a sophomoric stain to the whole movie.

Take a look at some of the egregiously disjointed nonsense in Aegan:

* Out of the blue, Pooja’s boyfriend Naren (Navdeep) is suddenly shown helping Pooja’s father to escape when he is chased by Ajith.

* Unlike in Main Hoon Na, the family tension that led to Ajith’s step-mother (Suhasini) and step-brother leaving home is abruptly introduced at the end, almost as an after thought.

* In the beginning, Ajith is shown to be friends with four kids Tinku, Rinku, Karan and Varun but the kids vanish after that. Were they kidnapped?

* The final scene shows Ajith’s family happily reunited, again without any effort to explain things.

* But surely the most bizarre scene was when the approver Ram Prasad blithely walks into the the college to be handcuffed by Ajith and taken away in a police jeep.

Besides the many disjointed elements, the Aegan story has other nonsensical features like Ajith taking the approver Ram Prasad with him to Chinappa’s den and single-handedly vanquishing a whole posse of criminal underlings.

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